Roads that lead to contentment.

 tl;dr : Mind could play games, all we have to do is play along with it.

Your instinct calls something that particularly is said to be wrong by the society. But who are you going to trust, the impulse or your fellowship?

You put yourself in a community where people matter your speech but you feel unworthy when they don't. If they don't a different circle might or maybe the next one. Not any of your companion is in the exact situation as you, so how could you rely on their judgement to guide you through it? The answer is you can't. They are not you. All you could be is all they think you can't. 

We all are empty from within and the one who could fill it is us! Neither your lover nor your family and definitely not your friends but what they can do is walk you through your toughest roads. Emptiness, anxiety, misery, diffidence and what not can definitely burn down the humane within you. Sit tight because we can absolutely fight it! 

People will tell to push commonalty down in order to grow. What is right is to be different. We all are, it's just that everyone is scared to acquire it. You seem to cry when things get difficult but come out stronger each time, that's not weak rather you know the call of your instincts. It's you vs you. Being able to create a better version of yourself with time is the greatest achievement of all. Not that you'll be perfect since nobody is but you'll be pleased enough  by the person you would have become. 

You'll be recognized and you'll be enough then. Be what you aspire to be not what other make you dream of. Find your passion and chase it. 

Tell me through comments if you find this considerate.     


  1. Yes definitely 😌🥂
    Modt valuable words I have read today.❤️
    Keep it up!

  2. Absolutely, more power to ourselves. Dream to become invincible... <<<3

  3. This is an amazing piece of writeup! Good work👍

  4. When things go wrong, don't go with them. A positive mindset brings positive thing. Nice thought keep going on💖🥰

  5. was looking for the link to your blog but could not find it on insta? you deleted your account?


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