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Voice of suffering

  tl;dr: Sufferers are many but speakers are countable. It's quite a brutal world, where officially you have the right to speak but are not given a chance to! You cannot speak until you're no more able to. People think their perspective is the only right, but do they ever see through ours?  I tried. I tried my best to possibly tell everyone around me with delusional eyes and a fading voice. I cried screamingly inside me but nobody heard a single drip or maybe nobody wanted to. The knuckles of my hands would be swollen after hitting the wall, my eyes would be red and puffy in the morning, and my voice would tremble. They won't notice.  My heart aches. There's a voice inside of me that's still roaring. I feel trapped somewhere in between explaining myself and making them hear. I question myself. Tell me I'm enough and just be there to ease my soul to believe the truth. Who would be there to numb the pain and ease it down? People phrase it this way ' I'm en

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